姓名 连希
邮箱: xi.lian@gdufs.edu.cn
所属系部: 英语教育系
办公室: 院系办公楼227
2014 - 2019英国牛津大学教育系,哲学博士, 教育学方向
2012 - 2013 英国伦敦大学学院生命科学学院心理与语言科学系,研究硕士(优等), 语言、言语及认知方向
2011 - 2012 英国谢菲尔德大学英语语言及文学学院,文学硕士 (优等), 应用语言学及TESOL方向
Lian, X. Ding, W., & Gong, Y. (2019) Colloquium: Assessing Chinese young EFL learners in the EFL education reform. Oral presentation at the Shanghai Centre for Research in English Language Education (SCRELE) First Biennial Conference. Shanghai International Studies University.
Lian, X. Murphy, V., & Evangelou, M. (2018) Inside the Blackbox: Assessment of primary Chinese EFL learners' oral and aural language skills. Oral presentation at the 5th Annual International Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA). Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Lian, X. Murphy, V., & Evangelou, M. (2018) Assessment of primary Chinese EFL learners' oral and aural language skills: Linking with National Curriculum Targets. Oral presentation at Early Language Learning (ELL) Conference, School of Education, University of Iceland.
Zhao, T. & Lian, X. (2018) Inference Meaning in Child EFL Learners: The Role of Vocabulary and Grammar Knowledge, and Reasoning Ability. Oral presentation at Early Language Learning (ELL) Conference, School of Education, University of Iceland.
Lian, X. (2017) Assessment of Chinese EFL Young Learners' Oral and Aural Language Skills at Primary School Level. Poster presented at Annual Research Poster Conference, Department of Education, University of Oxford.
Lian, X. (2016) The English Language Learning Outcomes at Primary School Level of Young EFL Learners in Mainland China. Poster presented at 2016 BAAL Testing, Evaluation& Assessment SIG Conference, University of Reading.
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